Why Lifeguard Training Is Essential

If you're hoping to get a job as a lifeguard at a pool, beach, waterpark, etc., you might not understand why you need special training. You might already be a strong swimmer and think that will be sufficient for you to do your job. However, being a lifeguard is about much more than being able to swim well. 

Here are some reasons you must get training to become a lifeguard: 

You're in Charge of Saving Lives

Being a lifeguard is a serious responsibility because you're responsible for rescuing people in emergencies. Water-based activities are dangerous, and drownings are a real possibility. Other risks with people being outside in the summertime include heatstroke, falls, choking on food, fights, etc. 

Learn How to Scan the Entire Area

Lifeguards must constantly scan their perimeter to identify dangerous activities and people who might be in trouble. Lifeguard training includes learning how to scan an area and identify risks. In many situations, the person in trouble won't be able to call for help vocally, so the lifeguard must be able to see the problem so they can help. 

Learn to Speak Up and Be Authoritative

Lifeguards are trained to be authority figures and can't allow people to ignore their demands. If someone breaks a rule, the lifeguard needs to be confident enough to let them know what they're doing wrong and, in some cases, remove them from the premises. When people get away with ignoring a lifeguard's demands, safety is compromised. 

Learn How to Identify Signs of Trouble

How can a lifeguard tell the difference between someone splashing in the water and having a good time and someone in serious trouble? It's something lifeguards learn during their training and part of why it's so vital. They receive training to look for specific behaviors that may signal an emergency and step in immediately to ensure everything is alright. 

Learn How to Remove Someone from the Water

If someone is struggling to stay above water or drowning, a lifeguard must be able to remove them from the water. It requires a lot of strength and special techniques they learn during their training. 

Learn CPR and Other Medical Procedures

When a life-threatening emergency occurs, lifeguards must be able to attempt to save the victim while medical professionals are en route to the scene. During their job training, they'll learn CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, etc., so they know what to do when someone suffers a medical emergency. Stories of lifeguards saving lives because of the training they received are common.

For more information about lifeguard training, contact a local company.

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